How to Pay Iran Tour

How to get the most out of Iran tour – if that is your question, we have you covered.

Be it cultural, historical, adventure, medical, sport, religious, special interest or mixed tours, we have several Iran tour packages to accommodate your Iran travel need. But before that, I want you to consider three things prior to your Iran trip.

3 things to consider in buying Iran Tour Packages


1. Payment – be it your visa, hotel, transportation or tailor-made tour packages. That is, knowing how much do they cost is good but not enough- the question is how are you gonna pay? That concern is considered done from our side. As a Filipino living in Iran is both challenging and rewarding. It is challenging due to the sanctioned imposed on Iran. International tourist should bring cash with them not credit card. And traveling with a lot of cash is somehow risky. As for the rewards, it’s give me an opportunity to provide services and to help facilitate easy payment through my country’s banking system which is open to do business to the world.

Reliable Travel Agency In Iran

2. So you don’t have problem paying your needed services in Iran. Is your chosen travel agency reliable and legally registered – licensed to sell and conduct tour around Iran? Iran is safe country but when it comes to your hard-earned money there is no room for mistake and playing blame game. By simply calling our Philippine Embassy here in Tehran and ask them if they know Naufar and his Jaziresafar travel agency. That is, they may not refer/endorse my company but that should be enough to gain your trust. But keep in mind our embassy is not promoting or siding any travel agencies in Iran including Jaziresafar our travel agency but it happens they are among our VIP clients.

Planning your Iran trip

3. When it comes to planning and budgeting your trip to Iran you need someone in a travel company who can dedicate time and be with you from planning your Iran tour until you go back home with ease of mind. Naufar Ganih is the person who can help you to do just that- he speaks Farsi, Tagalog and English and he is the Chairman of Jaziresafar Travel a Filipino-Iranian travel agency based in Iran that run and being manage by Naufar himself and his Iranian spouse.

Now you have initial idea on how to pay for your required Iran travel services. If you have better option please let us know.

Naufar Ganih can be reached via WhatsApp, fakebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. 00989128409877.

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