Category: Iran Mausoleums

Khwaju Kermani Tomb

By Mr.Ashayeri (JSI2407) The tomb of Khajovi Kermani is located in the north of Shiraz, at the foot of Sabavi Mountain and at the beginning of the Shiraz-Isfahan road, in Tang Allah Akbar. His grave overlooks the Quran gate. The water of Ruknabad spring also passes by Khajo’s tomb. ThisRead More …

Tomb of Hafez

By Mr.Ashayeri (JSI2380) The Tomb of Hafez commonly known as Hāfezieh, are two memorial structures erected in the northern edge of Shiraz, Iran, in memory of the celebrated Persian poet Hafez. The open pavilion structures are situated in the Musalla Gardens on the north bank of a seasonal river andRead More …

Baba Tahir Mausoleum

By Mr.Ashayeri (JSI2343) The tomb of Baba Taher Arian belongs to the contemporary period and is located in Hamedan, Baba Taher Square, and this work was registered as one of the national works of Iran on 21 May 1376 with the registration number 1870.

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