How much is 1 USD in Iran?

By: Asal Rezvani (JSI2435)

Hello guys, I’m Asal from Jaziresafar travel agency with another questions about currency of Iran that I want to answer them.

  1. How much is U$D1 in Iran?
  2. Why is Iranian Rial so cheap?
  3. Taman or Rial is used in Iran?
  4. What can we do with $100 in Iranian Toman?

As you know the currency of Iran is Rial, which is not used due to its low value that people of Iran use Toman instead of Rial which is abbreviated as IRR.

In fact, Rial is a Spanish and Portuguese word that means Empire which was promoted in 1176 AD.

Common Iranian banknotes are 5,000 / 10,000 / 20,000 / 50,000 / 100,000 Rials and Iranian check banknotes are 500,000 and 1,000,000 Rials.

There are also some coins that are gradually being used so if I want to say the Iranian Rial based on the Dollar, today each US Dollar is equals to 400,000 rials or 40,000 Tomans. If you walk in the street or restaurant do not be surprised because using Toman is easier than Rial so that 1 Toman is 10 Rial.

The most important reason for the devaluation of money is inflation, which decreases the value of money over time.

Basically, Iran’s currency has a low monetary value due to inflation and economic sanctions by some governments.

I should say, today 28 Jan 2023, $100 is almost 40,000,000 Rial (4,000,000Toman).

If I want to talk about travelling to Iran I would say with certainty that travelling to Iran is an exciting trip at a very low cost. As my last passenger told me “I still cannot believe that Iran have a lot of fantastic places to visit like Isfahan, Shiraz, etc. With low cost to travel” and also he mentioned that in the future he will visit Iran again. Philip was an Italian whom I am really happy to have met him.

As I said travelling to Iran is one of the cheapest travel you could have, for example the daily cost, including lunch, dinner, and coffee can be calculated as a minimum of $25.

Khwaju Kermani Tomb

By Mr.Ashayeri (JSI2407)

The tomb of Khajovi Kermani is located in the north of Shiraz, at the foot of Sabavi Mountain and at the beginning of the Shiraz-Isfahan road, in Tang Allah Akbar. His grave overlooks the Quran gate. The water of Ruknabad spring also passes by Khajo’s tomb. This tomb was built in 1315 with the funds of Fars Culture Department. The tomb of Khajovi Kermani was registered as number 916 in the list of historical monuments.

Jamkaran Mosque

By Mr.Ashayeri (JSI2432)

Jamkaran Mosque is a mosque attributed to Hojjat bin Al-Hassan in Jamkaran neighborhood of Qom city. Because of its proximity to this neighborhood, this mosque is known as Jamkaran Mosque, and because of its attribution to Hojjat bin Al-Hassan, it is also called Sahibul-Zaman Mosque. In the past, it was also known as Kadhamgah Mosque. According to the Islamic World Encyclopaedia, Jamkaran was an important village in the past and its name has been repeated many times in the book of the history of Qom. This mosque has a history of more than 1000 years and in the last century, following the attention of a number of Shiite scholars, it has become one of the important pilgrimage sites in Iran. , and certain customs and beliefs have been formed around it. This mosque has an administrative building, a board of trustees, a regulation department, a registry office, a publication and research unit, a guidance unit and a specialized library.

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