Category: Iran Travel Guide
A Day In Tochal

Hello guys, I’m Asal with another interesting article about winter fun in Tehran. If you have a question about people in Tehran who live in a bustling, traffic and pollutions what they do in winter. The Tochal entertainment complex is located in the north of Tehran with having different facilitiesRead More …
How much is 1 USD in Iran?

By: Asal Rezvani (JSI2435) Hello guys, I’m Asal from Jaziresafar travel agency with another questions about currency of Iran that I want to answer them. As you know the currency of Iran is Rial, which is not used due to its low value that people of Iran use Toman insteadRead More …
Qeshm Island

Ganih (JSI2427) Qeshm Island is one of the islands of the Persian Gulf, which is located in Hormozgan Province as the largest island of Iran and the Persian Gulf. Some of the attractions of this island are: mangrove forests, Khorbes caves, Chahkouh Strait, blue dolphins, Persian Gulf, Star Valley, NazRead More …