
Isfahan Nisf-e Jahan

Driving to Isfahan in Spring time

A drive to Isfahan in March is the best alternative to flying or by train in Spring time during Iranian long Holiday. Not unless you already booked your tour in advance or otherwise. If you think your family vacation falls in March you better be starting booking your tour in appropriate time. But if didn’t have time to plan ahead don’t worry but I suggest at least booking your accommodation in Isfahan two months ahead. Next, is to make sure your car is in good condition. But if you are totally stranger – a one hundred percent tourist then I would suggest you book room in Tehran at least a night or two. You can call me if you need my service to provide you with any kind of transportation you want.

Visiting Isfahan During Norooz in March

Visiting Isfahan will definitely incite your admiration like me like everyone else. Driving to Isfahan compared to driving to the northern part of Iran is somehow boring to me because all you can see is desert not unless if you stop in Kashan or Qom to have some kind of different atmosphere. Having said that if you’ve been working the whole year and really longing for a family holiday away from home – every inch of your effort really worth it – even a long drive is fun and exciting.

Drive to Isfahan – an itinerary guide to motorist

This is my second time to see this adorable place since I came to Iran. This time with my wife and kid. I already feel in love since the last time I toured this amazing city. Indeed love at first sight.

After a six-hour drive from Tehran, finally the breath taking Imam square, the amazing color, grandeur and the unique architectural feature of Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque and the majestic AliQapoo Palace were in our faces – the experience it’s like gazing at the door of paradise to opened soon. Despite of tiredness due to long our drive I felt the comfort of a king having almost every thing with reach to be consumed and enjoyed, the sounds of fountain, the look of well aligned trees, people dressed nicely, smell of food and species, colorful handicrafts and of course my favorite Faloode ice cream a frozen noodle made of starch with rosewater and saffron ice cream with pistachio served with lime.

All of these were unfolded right in front of our very own eyes as we stood motionless for a minute gazing at those spectacular view and the beautiful crowds celebration the second week of the first month of spring call Fasli Bahar in Iran.

Day One: Lunch, Night city tour

We stayed in our pre-booked hotel right behind the Imam Square. So close in less than a minute by foot. We had our lunch in a traditional restaurant about 3 minutes walk from Firoozi International Hotel we enjoy the taste of Iranian kebab kobede – my daughter’s favorite.

We return to our hotel and enjoy the Iranian hospitality – relaxing, inside the clean and nice, spacious room that comes with complete amenities. After taking a nap and hot shower we jumped into a taxi that took us the Sio Si Pol and Khajoo bridge where we see and admired both the bridge and the builders.

Day Two: Full Day City tour, public utility

The next day, we toured Isfahan city by our own again. Starting from the picturique Chehelsoton and then we took a public bus to the breathtaking Armenian quarter, located in Jolfa area where the wealthy people live according to the friendly bus driver. Southern most part of Isfahan is inhabited by wealthy and high-cultured Iranian. This is interesting because in Tehran wealthy people mostly in northern part.

We continued our leisure activities admiring and visiting more place by our own utilizing public utilities instead of driving our own car to avoid being stacked in the traffic jam and the stress of spotting parking space which impossible in the Norooz in Iran. Our next stop was the Dancing Minarets Minarejonbon, we didn’t make to the Fire temple because we already visited one in Yazd. We had our dinner in a fast food proximity to our hotel.

Day Three: Full Day Royal Square Tour

We started from the Majestic Aliqapoo, before climing up we notice people were looking up so we did and its enough consumed great amount of our time. Not just beauful but full of meaning of which I can explain to suggest you see it yourself with your own eyes. Then at last we started climbing up the stairs, some steps were engraved stone we did not stop to examine the detail as other people were behind us.

Finally we made it to terrace where the king it said used to be watching the polo game we know today. From that point just imagine today of having a small drone to enjoy a bird’s eye of your surrounding – you were like above the clouds. Take note, that spot was for the king only and now we have the priceless opportunity to be at the same level looking wide open to Royal Square, Bazar, Mosque and every walk of life.

Then it was getting be crowded with tourist competing for a nice spot to selfie and capture their best memories of Isfahan – you cannot blame them. Do you? We continue to the Majestic Lotfollah Mosque – if you don’t have background in art. You can still appreciate the beauty and the brilliancy of architectural feature that every details has it purpose. That one can only appreciate it if you are traveling in a tour with the service of a local guide.

From Lotfolla Mosque we continued to Bazar and Imam Mosque, we enjoyed our Faloode icecream and cold drinks. Then we head for lunch on the same traditional restaurant. We completed our tour by riding a two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage moving along the Royal Square. Until we head to our room for a fresh shower and rest time getting ready for a long drive back home to Tehran.

Aliqapoo palace Isfahan
Tourist taking photo with Aliqapoo Palace at the background

Isfahan is the capital of Isfahan Province, Abyane for example is under Isfahan and it was the capital of Iran during the Safavid Kings, the local people of Iran proudly call it “Nesf-e Jahan”, meaning “Half The World” referring to the unique beauty of their city.

Isfahan is known for its architectural beauty with impressive historical back ground – you may find the words exaggerated but truly a or even a week tour is not enough – not enough in a sense if you allow your natural curiously to unfold every detail and secret of every aspect of Iranian work of art. Indeed when you see Isfahan it seem you already travelled half of the world and seen our world has to offer.

The city is about 6 hours drive from Tehran passing through the city of Qom also known as the city of knowledge and it is about 580 km south of Tehran. It is considered by both international and local tourist to be among the most beautiful and, most visited cities around the world. It is used to be the capital of ancient Persia of the Safavid ruler from the year 1598 until 1722.

The city of Isfahan is famous for its fine carpets and silver filigree championed by local craftsmanship handed down from generation to generations. Today textile and steel industry has become a new source of income and pride of this city as well.

Its unique architectural wonders and Islamic arts, its long boulevards covered with old trees is relaxing specially in the summer and make it one of the Isfahan city tour highlights.

Naufar Ganih is the Chairman of JazireSafar Tour and Travel Services Co., Ltd., based in Tehran, IRAN.

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