
Visiting Iran in November
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November in Iran is all about stunning autumn views in yellow and red, with milder rain. Less crowds is also a good reason to choose November to visit Iran.
Question: What to wear in November in Iran?
Answer: Take light clothing but long-sleeve is still recommended during the nights, rubber shoes. Don’t forget your camera, smart phone and fully-charge power bank, sun glasses and caps are still needed.
Question: What city worth visiting in November in Iran?
Answer: We recommend visiting Tehran, Shiraz, Isfahan, Yazd, Qeshm Island, Maranjab and Mesr desert.
Landscape of Iran in autumn is stunning and breathtaking e.g., the protected National forest in Iran or Jangal-e-abr also know as Abr Forest and many other places even in the ordinary parks are just lovely to the eyes.
Ghesm or Qeshm Island is perfect for wave surfing and Hormoz island its used to be a no visa zone in pre-covid-19 Iran, its an ideal tourist destination who are coming from Dubai. Qalat is a historical and touristic village near Shiraz. Its interesting architecture and golden autumn view has caused Qalat to be a popular place for both Iranians and foreign tourists.
walking along the old streets with long rows of trees is a relaxing activity in November. “Vali-Asr” street in Tehran, “Eram” street in Shiraz and “Chahar-baaq” in Isfahan are good choices.
Tehran, known as the city of museums and monuments from Qajarid dynasty, such as national jewelries museum, Iran’s carpet museum, Tehran contemporary art museum and ancient Iran museum are some examples of museums offers priceless pieces in the city.
Q: What are the must do and see in November in Iran?
A: Pomegranate festival is held in November in towns of Gilan province. This symbolic feast shows the local people’s happiness and gratitude for having plenty of pomegranate as their harvest. Pomegranate is known as the fruit of heaven (mivehyeh behesht) in Iran.
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