Hamadan central square
By Mr.Ashayeri (JSI2341)
The central square of Hamedan is a large square that is known today as Imam Khomeini Square of Hamedan. German architect Carl Frisch is the main designer of this square and the six streets branching from it and the corresponding ring roads with the star-radial pattern of urban planning. In order to implement this plan, an Iranian engineer named Saifullah Khan Soleimani, a German engineer named Shtohlbach and a Russian engineer named Vladimir Charoliev in the technical and construction branch headed by ministerial engineer Gerhard Rodenberg have been working since the end of 1310. they started.
Following the implementation of the Imam Khomeini Square pedestrian road construction project, a coffin belonging to the Parthian period was discovered in this area, and emergency exploration continued in this area for several days. After the expansion of the excavations, it was decided that instead of installing a fountain in the middle of the square, a museum would be set up in this area and the discovered historical works would be kept there.

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