Category: Iran Gardens
Chehel Sotoun
By Mr.Ashayeri (JSI2358) Chehel Sotoun (Persian: چهل ستون, literally: “Forty Columns”) is a Persian pavilion in the middle of a park at the far end of a long pool, in Isfahan, Iran, built by Shah Abbas II to be used for his entertainment and receptions. In this palace, Shah AbbasRead More …
Fin Garden
By Mr.Ashayeri (JSI2350) Fin Kashan Garden is the name of an Iranian garden that has been located in a neighborhood called Fin in Kashan since ancient times. Fin bath is also a historical bath and is located in the Fin garden complex. It is the place where Naser al-Din ShahRead More …
Paradise Garden of Shiraz – The Eram Garden

This famous Garden of Heaven located on the same address opposite Shiraz Medical University – the very same university that housed foreign students 20 years ago for free when they traveled to Shiraz for their annual Norooz tour, I was lucky and proud to be part of that tour –unfortunatelyRead More …